Get a warm winter glow with Lovechock’s Cherry Chili!
It’s getting chili outside, so time for a warm winter glow with Lovechock’s spicy Cherry Chili. A seductive combination of cayenne peppers and sweet cherries, evoking that happy and loving feeling. Can you imagine the passion released by putting the 2 together? Eating Lovechock has is always a unique experience as we never choose just any ingredient.
Here are a few good reasons to bite into a Cherry Chili bar:
Want to open your heart with more warmth? Did you know that cayenne pepper is packed with vitamin C which is an important and powerful antioxidant for your immune function. Peppers also contain the chemical capsaicin, which triggers the nerves that make your body feel warmer. Increased body temperature from the ingestion of hot chili triggers the immune system into action in fighting viruses. Cayenne pepper is also good for your blood circulation and your main love organ: your heart. A hint of spiciness in the bar that makes your heart beat just that little bit faster.
And to our delicious cherries. What a wonderful fruit which too, contain powerful antioxidants like anthocyanin, giving cherries their distinctive, deep red colour. Series of studies suggest that cherries could also help you sleep naturally as they contain melatonin. This important hormone helps your body to know when it’s time to sleep and wake up. Shorter days, and lack of sunlight lead to low levels of melatonin.
So here you go: Treat your body with a little more love and enjoy our spicy, fruity treat.